The most intelligent species on earth are humans because of the powerful mind that vibrates back into existence.
When God spoke to great men in the Bible they were always in nature. Adam and Eve in the beautiful garden. God spoke to Moses at the burning bush. Abram's promise vision was looking at the stars. Even the beautiful earth foundation stands firm.
What is it about nature? We should stay in harmony with the universe. "Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathe into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" ( Genesis 2:7). Is God in nature our body traveling through the universe?
This topic is worth exploring. Asking questions about your creator of your creation. You were wonderfully made in His image. Why are humans working so hard and living in poverty?
Every man of God whom God walk with and spoke to were healthy, wealthy, and had a bloodline of decendents.If we stop to ask the very question, are we out of the order of God and brought chaos to the earth?
Living in harmony with the universe brings us back to peace, joy, contentment, and a life full of abundance; while waiting on the promise provision.
How do I live in harmony???
Alpha and Omega which is Ultimate consciousness are just polarities of each other. Without the depth of black, there will be no light.
If you recognize shame or guilt within you replace it with self-love or self-worth to move your life forward. Do not be afraid to move away from people that are not trying to move up in their energy of love. Love them at a distance and just know no one is stopping you but yourself.
Sometimes, friends, we grew up with or a partner does not want to grow and make a conscious choice to stay stagnation. Those people are no longer equally yoke so love them at a distance as you seek your own truth and discoveries about yourself.
Be at peace with your environment but do not stay stuck with people who want to live unconsciously. You can not help others by staying stuck with them. You must remove yourself and grow in order for others to grow.
This is the beginning of practicing mindfulness and living in harmony with the universe. Click the link above to watch the short stories of biblical examples..
Stay blessed...